Declarer Play (1)
do not play a card from dummy until you
have thanked your partner, or smiled or whatever makes your partner feel
comfortable AND you have counted your tricks and made a plan.
Start your ‘forensics’... what do you know
about the opponents hands from the bidding, lack of bidding and opening lead?
If you are not sure what the opening lead
shows...ASK! In any case find out the
opponents’ general style.
If the contract looks easy ask yourself...
“what could go wrong?”
Example: Hand
1 (preserve the entry and a simple safety play)
♠ K4
♥ 1076
♦ K109632
♣ 53
♠ QJ109 ♠ 8765
♥ K32 ♥ J98
♦ J854 ♦ 7
♣ J10 ♣ KQ872
♠ A32
♥ AQ54
♦ AQ
♣ A964
How the bidding went.
3NT P All pass
West will normally lead the Q♠ (promising the J and denying the K).
Count the top tricks. 2 spades, 1 heart, 3 diamonds and 1 club. 7 in all. Chances for additional tricks lie in Diamonds (length), hearts (length and finesse).
If the diamonds are divided 3-2 (67% of the time) then you will have 2♠, 1+♥, 6♦ and 1 ♣ (10)… sounds easy… so “what could go wrong?” Clearly diamonds 4-1 (not singleton J) or 5-0 will be a challenge. These bad things will occur approximately 27% of the time so you should take insurance at teams (as your goal is 9 tricks to get the game bonus) and play as follows: You will need an entry to those diamonds… so win the lead with the Ace and lead the A♦, then the Q♦ and overtake it with the K♦… If the J is doubleton with East (13%) this play will not have cost a trick… otherwise if the diamonds are 3-2 it will have cost a trick, however today this play is vital to ensure the contract. Play the 10♦ next to drive out the J and win the K♠ and cash your diamonds and watch what is discarded as this will often tell you (whether spades were 5-2, in which case the ♥ finesse may be hazardous, or whether the ♥ finesse is ON.
Example: Hand
3 (establish long suits if you have time!)
♠ 9876
♥ A54
♦ J42
♣ 1098
♠ AJ ♠ KQ5
♥ QJ72 ♥1063
♦ 65 ♦ Q1093
♣ J7632 ♣ K54
♠ 10432
♥ K98
♦ AK87
♣ AQ
How the bidding went.
All pass
The 3♣ is a normal lead from West. So you can count 6 tricks, from where is the 7th to come? The J♦ may score if one opponent has Qx♦ or West has the Q, however there is no real hurry to cash these – the lead looks like 4th best from 4 or 5 so you can afford to lose 3♣ and 3♠. Win the first trick and play on ♠ hoping that they will be 3-2… if they are not, you can fall back on the Qx♦ chance.
Never give up! I saw this hand only last Friday…
Example: Hand 5 play for
maximum tricks at pairs
♠ QJ97
♥ QJ953
♦ Q9
♣ A3
♠ AK5
♥ A4
♦ AJ4
♣ Q9862
How the bidding went:
1♥ P 2♣ P
2♠! P 4NT P
5♦ P 6NT All pass
The 2♠ bid is not recommended here as it promises 16+ or greater distribution than 4-5.
Opening lead is the 2♥. How do you play?
The full hand
♠ QJ97
♥ QJ953
♦ Q9
♣ A3
♠ 2 ♠ 108643
♥ 108762 ♥ K
♦ 653 ♦ K10872
♣ K1074 ♣ J5
♠ AK5
♥ A4
♦ AJ4
♣ Q9862
Example: Hand
10 (Ducking, danger hand)
♠ AQ976
♥ K765
♦ 103
♣ K4
♠ 45 ♠ K832
♥ J108 ♥Q94
♦ KJ985 ♦ Q42
♣ Q87 ♣ 653
♠ J10
♥ A32
♦ A76
♣ AJ1092
How the bidding went.
1♣ P
1♠ P 1NT P
2♥ P 3NT
All pass
West should lead the 8♦ and East should play the Q. South should duck this and the 4♦ return (to show 3 cards – return the 2 to show 4 or 2 cards). South wins the 3rd ♦ and has a choice of finesses. Are they the same? Who is the danger hand? You can make by running the J♣ of course and that will also net you over tricks.
Example: Hand 6 (preserve the entry)
♠ 9876
♥ QJ54
♦ J42
♣ 98
♠ AJ3 ♠ K52
♥ A73 ♥ K1062
♦ 6 ♦ AQ953
♣ J107632 ♣ A
♠ Q104
♥ 98
♦ K1087
♣ KQ54
How the bidding went.
1♦ P 1NT
P 2♥1 P 3NT
All pass
1 Here the reverse just shows 5-4 and 16-19, occasionally it will be right to play a 4-3 ♥ fit.
If West bids 3♥ at her
second turn that would show this hand with 3 ♥,
after all partner may have 6+ ♦ and 5♥. East
will convert to 3NT to show this hand type.
Suit contracts
Should I draw all
trumps, some trumps or do other things first (like ruff something)?
Example: Hand
7 Establishing a long suit. 4-3 distribution is 62% whereas the J♣
with West is 50%.
♠ AJ
♦ A43
♣ K104
♠ 32 ♠ 965
♥ KQJ10 ♥ 987
♦ Q952 ♦ KJ6
♣ 765 ♣ AJ98
♠ KQ10874
♥ 6
♦ 1087
♣ Q32
How the ‘experts bid it’.
2♠ P
Win the K♥ lead and trump a ♥,
play a ♠ to the Ace and trump another ♥,
play a ♠ to the J and trump a ♥.
Draw the outstanding trump. Enter Dummy with the A♦
and discard a ♦ on the winning ♥. Play
a ♣ to the Q and exit in Diamonds.
You should lose a ♦ and 2♣.
Example: Hand
8 ‘8 ever 9 never’, well... nearly
♠ KJ976
♦ AQ8
♣ KJ8
♠ 4 ♠ Q32
♥ AK109732 ♥ Q6
♦ 103 ♦ 7654
♣ 765 ♣ A1092
♠ A1085
♦ KJ92
♣ Q43
How the the bidding should go
3♠ P 4♠ All pass
After the Q♥ and a ♥
to the K, West should exit with a minor suit card (a ♠ is fatal), even a ♥ giving a ‘ruff and discard’ is not too bad
today. Declarer has to find the Q♠. Since West is marked with 5 additional ♠
so East is favourite to hold the longer spades.
This is called the ‘law of vacant spaces’. If you cash the A and K of ♠ you may
appear unlucky..
Example: Hand 2
♠ K54
♦ K109632
♣ A3
♠ 10932 ♠ 6
♥ KQ532 ♥ J987
♦ - ♦ J854
♣ Q1082 ♣ J975
♠ AQJ87
♦ AQ7
♣ K64
How the ‘experts’ bid it.
3♣1 P 3♠2 P
P 4NT4 P
5♥5 P 5NT6 P
7♦7 P 7♠8 All pass
2NT showed any 20-22
balanced (may have a 5 card Major or 6 card minor.
1 3♣ is ‘puppet staymen enquiry’ asking for 5 card majors
2 3♠ shows a 5 card ♠
3 4♣ shows a 1st or 2nd round control in ♣ usually A or K and
slam interest
4 4NT is Roman Keycard Blackwood
5 5♥ shows two of the 5 key cards (K♠
and the 4 aces) and denies Q♠
6 5NT gurantees the other 3 key cards and the Q asks for K’s and extras for
a grand slam
7 7♦ shows the K♦ and a useful source of tricks ( a mild gamble as partner
will usually be Ax in ♦ or may have, as
here, the Q♦)
8 fell from grace at the last hurdle by not bidding 7NT with the useful Q♦.
How we might bid it.
P 1♠ P
1NT P 3♣ P
3♠ P 4NT4 P
5♦5 P 5NT6 P
6♥7 P 6♠8 All pass
1♠ shows
12-21 High card points and 5 spades
1NT shows 6-10
points (2♦ is ok here as there is good
spade support).
3♣ is a
slightly artificial game force 19-21 High card points.
3♠ shows 3♠
and is maximum (would bid 4♠ with a minimum).
4NT is blackwood
5♦ shows one ace
5NT promises the
other 3 aces and asks for kings
6♥ says 2 kings..
6♠ is not
sure whether the K♠ is missing and is unaware of the source of tricks in ♦
After the K♥ lead, did you draw all the trumps first?
Example: Hand 4
♠ Q65
♥ K32
♦ AJ9532
♣ 4
♥ Q65 ♥ 10987
♦ 10876 ♦ KQ4
♣ KQ103 ♣ 985
♠ J10987
♥ AJ4
♦ -
♣ AJ762
How the bidding went.
P P 1♠ P
2♦ P 2♠ P
3♠ All pass
Since South did not show ♣ in the bidding, the natural lead is K♣. How many tricks did you make after such a
lead? Did you draw trumps first or play
for a cross-ruff?
Dummy Reversal - The typical declarer play involves ruffing declarer's losers using the dummy's short suit. However, when the dummy has features such as a long side suit worthy of promotion, the declarer may find a better strategy is to rethink the play of the hand from the dummy's perspective. Another Dummy Reversal opportunity occurs when holding a large number of winning trumps; the declarer may find it advantageous to ruff the partnerships longer trump holding until the opposite hand is holding more trumps.
Example: Hand 9
♠ 2
♥ A32
♦ AK432
♣ AK53
♠ AQJ10 ♠ 987
♥ QJ10 ♥ 98
♦ 876 ♦ QJ109
♣ QJ10 ♣ 9876
♠ K6543
♥ K7654
♦ 5
♣ 42
How the bidding went.
1♦ P 1♠ P
3♣ P 3♥
4♥ All pass
East leads the Q♥ and declarer notes the best opportunity to make game is to promote Dummy's Diamonds (if he tries to trump his ♠ losers the defence will win and play another round of ♥ so he can trump only one spade and pitch one on the K♦). Winning the Q♥ with Dummy's Ace, declarer plays a second round of trumps to the K♥. Next win the A♦ and K♦ and trump a third Diamond in declarer's hand. Then declarer returns to Dummy's A♣ and continues playing Diamonds. West is entitled to the J♥ now or later and A♠, however declarer owns four more tricks to make game - 3 red cards and the CK.
Some simple suit combinations that occur very often. There is a tool that you can download – visit for the link.
All the below examples assume you have no clue from the bidding or play to date.
♠ Kxxx
♠ ? ♠ ?
♠ AJxx
If you need 3 tricks in this, how should you play?
♠ Q4
♠ ? ♠ ?
♠ A32
If you need 2 tricks how should you play?
♠ Q4
♠ xxxx ♠ xxx
♠ AJ32
If you need 3 tricks you should lead the 3 towards the Q.
♠ AKQ10
♠ xxxx ♠ xxx
♠ 432
Here you need 4 tricks? 61% of the
time you will emerge with 4 tricks if you cash AKQ. You will only gain by finessing for West to
have the J when West has Jxxx (16%) and East has xx and lost to Jxx with East
(18%). Why?
Basic distribution odds:
Cards |
Break |
% |
Cards |
Break |
% |
2 |
2-0 |
48 |
6 |
6-0 |
1 |
2 |
1-1 |
52 |
6 |
5-1 |
15 |
3 |
3-0 |
22 |
6 |
4-2 |
49 |
3 |
2-1 |
78 |
6 |
3-3 |
35 |
4 |
4-0 |
10 |
7 |
6-1 |
7 |
4 |
3-1 |
50 |
7 |
5-2 |
31 |
4 |
2-2 |
40 |
7 |
4-3 |
62 |
5 |
5-0 |
4 |
8 |
6-2 |
12 |
5 |
4-1 |
28 |
8 |
5-3 |
47 |
5 |
3-2 |
68 |
8 |
4-4 |
33 |